Tactical analysis using the Veo camera




*Payment with up to 6 interest-free instalments


SKU: N/A Categories: ,


internship, learning and certification< / strong>
A) in the cycle of analysis at the highest level &
B) the use of equipment & amp; Analysis Platform

VEO is one of the most modern video recording and analysis software. It is used by the Academies of the biggest clubs in Europe and America (Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester City, Chelsea, Leicester, Everton, Wussett Ham, Wolves, Roma, Borussia Mechengladbach, Feyenoord, Copenhagen, Lille, Bruges, etc.) by National Teams (England, Denmark, Norway), while the Greek Superleague is the first National League to grant the use of software and cameras to all teams participating in its infrastructure leagues.

✓ You will become familiar with the Veo equipment and use it on the field during games and training sessions.
✓ You will be trained in the use of the analysis platform, with real match and training data.
✓ You will get acquainted with the “circle of analysis”.
✓ You will practice regular analysis using real data.

upon completion of the Workshop you will receive certification from Sports Performance Education Hub.

✓ In football coaches of all professional but even amateur categories and academies.
✓ To analysts but also to goalkeeping coaches.
✓ To students with specialty football

Workshop Dates

In stock



Tactical analysis using the Veo camera

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


internship, learning and certification< / strong>
A) in the cycle of analysis at the highest level &
B) the use of equipment & amp; Analysis Platform

VEO is one of the most modern video recording and analysis software. It is used by the Academies of the biggest clubs in Europe and America (Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester City, Chelsea, Leicester, Everton, Wussett Ham, Wolves, Roma, Borussia Mechengladbach, Feyenoord, Copenhagen, Lille, Bruges, etc.) by National Teams (England, Denmark, Norway), while the Greek Superleague is the first National League to grant the use of software and cameras to all teams participating in its infrastructure leagues.

✓ You will become familiar with the Veo equipment and use it on the field during games and training sessions.
✓ You will be trained in the use of the analysis platform, with real match and training data.
✓ You will get acquainted with the “circle of analysis”.
✓ You will practice regular analysis using real data.

upon completion of the Workshop you will receive certification from Sports Performance Education Hub.

✓ In football coaches of all professional but even amateur categories and academies.
✓ To analysts but also to goalkeeping coaches.
✓ To students with specialty football

Workshop Dates

In stock



Part A - Theory (online)

The gradual evolution of video analysis in modern football
✓ The use and specialization in the programs used
✓ The Analysis Cycle
✓ Analysis of training
✓ Opponent analysis
✓ Live Analysis
✓ Post-Game Analysis
✓ Analysis in developmental ages

✓ The data that created the need for an operator-free video surveillance software
✓ Presentation of the platform
✓ Creating a club profile
✓ Organize and add groups
✓ Creating accounts for members – athletes
✓ Basic event detection
✓ Image view options
✓ High Create highlights
✓ Create graphics
✓ Phase commentary
✓ Add a tag to players
✓ Directed highlights
✓ Choose who can see

Part B - Practical learning (face to face)

✓ Use of equipment, mounting
✓ Camera connectivity
✓ Start training / match recording
✓ Problems that may appear

Possesion Phase

✓ Game building
✓ Game development
✓ Actions in the attacking third
✓ Zone of completion of actions

Recovery Phase

✓ Pressure on zero ball
✓ Pressure in game flow
✓ Half-court defense


✓ Aggressive transition to streaming
✓ Aggressive transition after static phase
✓ Defensive transition (Repress)
✓ Defensive transition after static phase

Static Chanses

✓ Offensive corners
✓ Offensive fouls
✓ Side outs
✓ Defensive corners
✓ Defensive fouls

Subgroup Function

✓ Line operation analysis
✓ Analysis of collaborations on wings and central axis
✓ Goalkeeper cooperation analysis with the rest of the team

Personal Functioning

✓ Individual breakdown by position based on regular requests
✓ Basic statistical picture based on regularly requested
✓ Individual statistical picture based on regularly requested



*Payment with up to 6 interest-free instalments

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Προπονητές με τους οποίους συνεργάστηκε:
  • Μαρίνος Ουζουνίδης
  • Γιώργος Παράσχος
  • Γιώργος Γεωργιάδης


Το 2015 στήνεται το πρώτο live analysis στην ομάδα του Πλατανιά σε συνεργασία με τον βοηθό προπονητή Παναγιώτη Γκουτσίδη και πρώτο προπονητή τον Γιώργο Παράσχο. Το live εξελίχθηκε σε ταχύτατους ρυθμούς τα τελευταία χρόνια με την ακαδημία του ΠΑΟΚ να το τρέχει και σε πολύ σημαντικούς αγώνες της κάτι εξίσου πρωτοποριακό για την χώρα. Τον Νοέμβρη του 19 έρχεται μετά από «scouting» μηνών στην Ελλάδα η πρώτη VEO cam και ξεκινά η εκπαίδευση πάνω στο νέο λογισμικό που πλέον είναι ευρέως διαδεδομένο στη χώρα μας και θεωρείται ίσως το κορυφαίο για την βιντεοσκόπηση και ανάλυση δεδομένων στην Ευρώπη.
